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Positioners MS30 - 8mm with measuring

MS30 - 8mm with measuring

mechonics ag

81825-D München
        2/B Unnützstrasse

+49 89 42024207

+49 89 42024206

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Positioners MS30 - 8mm with measuring

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  1. Positioners: "Positioners" typically refer to devices or systems designed to precisely control the position or movement of objects. In this context, "Positioners MS30" indicates that the equipment belongs to a series or category of positioners designated as "MS30."
  2. 8mm: The "8mm" part of the description suggests that this particular positioner has a feature or specification related to an 8mm dimension. This could be related to the travel range (the maximum distance it can move an object) or another dimension critical to its function.
  3. With Measuring: The inclusion of "with measuring" indicates that this positioner is equipped with measurement capabilities. This could mean that it has integrated sensors or measurement tools to determine its position accurately or to measure the position of objects it is moving.
Positioners like these are commonly used in precision engineering, manufacturing, microscopy, and other applications where accurate positioning is essential. They often feature fine adjustment mechanisms, such as micrometer screws or motorized controls, to achieve precise movements. The inclusion of measurement capabilities ensures that the positioner can accurately track and control its position or the position of objects it interacts with.

8 mm travel at 45 x 34 mm footprint

Various mounting possibilities

For closed loop operation (resolution up to 50nm)


Positioners MS30 - 8mm with measuring

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