4 HOURS - FOR GETTYS DC SERVO MOTORS Our Company was established in 1991 as an independent Service-Partner for GETTYS ( GETTYS -AEG -BOSCH -CINCINNATI -GOULD ) Products. **AREAS OF USE: GETTYS Motors have been built into CNC-machines manufactured by such names as: BOEHRINGER, BOKOE, BOSCH, CINCINNATI, CONTRAVES, DECKEL-MAHO, HERMLE, HESSAP, KLOPP, MAHA, MANDELLI, MODUL, OERLIKON, SHW, SCHIEß-KOPP, STAMA, UNION, UVA. **REPAIR SERVICE FOR OTHER DC SERVO MOTORS: We can also offer you support in a wide range of products : GETTYS, SEM, INLAND, EVIG, CLIFTON, GENERAL-ELECTRIC, FANUC, KEARNEY & TRECKER, MAGNETIC,PORTER-PEERLES, HYPER-LOOP, STROMAG, BAUMÜLLER, CINCINNATI, ISOFLUX, AMETEK-USA, SIEMENS, etc. - Sales of DC Servo Motors and spare-parts.. - Re-Magnetising of GETTYS DC Servo motors. - Service of GETTYS Tracer Heads. **NEW ? We have expanded our range of Products : Our world-wide Internet connections and partner enterprises in Europe and the USA make it for us possible to offer you over 15 billion electronic components from most leading manufacturers.